Company Philosophy

What is “home”

The dictionary defines a home (noun) as “the place where one lives permanently, especially as a member of a family or household”; however, for anyone who has actually felt “home”, they realize that being home can mean so much more.

At Overstreet Builders, we look at your home as much more than a structure in which you reside. While a house serves that purpose, it is just a small part what we work to create. We craft “homes”, which are a center for everything; family, faith, hope, fellowship and connection. Overstreet homes are places of security and safety, comfort, and shelter; places where memories are made and families are raised, where laughter is shared and struggles are overcome. A house is a physical shelter, but home is a place where relief is sought from stress and the outside world, a place to focus on what’s next and to celebrate the past; it is a place of peace. Here you can find a solid foundation and grounding, with the comfort to know no matter what happens outside it will always be safe inside. A home is a place where you are surrounded by people who care. 

Because there is so much more meaning to your “home” than simply building a house, we take great care in our role and realize that creating your home carries with it significant responsibility. We take this role very seriously. While many companies may be able to build a house; at Overstreet Builders we strive to make it your home; because home is so much more than a place, it the feeling you get when you are there.

Mission Statement

Our team at Overstreet Builders is dedicated to creating your “Home.” Starting at the first meeting, continuing with design, through construction, to final closing and beyond. We believe that no detail is ever too small or insignificant, and we personally cater to each of our homebuyers needs. This commitment is a time-honored tradition, established in the company ideologies by our forefathers and instilled in our staff and trades. It is a legacy which has been passed through generations of craftsmen and ingrained into every home we build… its a pledge from our family to yours, Welcome Home.
Overstreet Builders

"We received the card from Overstreet in the mail yesterday, that was so very thoughtful of you to send. Please thank everyone at Overstreet for their kind words, we are humbled. It does not go unnoticed the kind of treatment we’ve received from Overstreet a..." READ MORE
- Stacey and Adolfo Baez